Footer linking: Again, the search engines caught onto this one and ignore it. It looks too much like spam. Google and Yahoo have devauled footer links altogether. Footer links can also devalue some of the quality, relevant links that you have on your site.

It’s funny, you might be thinking. You might be wondering, in our SEO strategies, how do you log what sort of traffic channels you are activating for those pages?

The Search Engines primary job is to bring the most RELEVANT results (websites, videos, articles etc.) to the consumer or person doing the search based on the search term they type in. For example: If you were to Search for “Snake Poison Antidote” on Google, you would be less than pleased and understandably angry if it pulled up websites on snakeskin handbags and boots. You get the idea.

The fifth SEO tip is to use your keywords sparingly. Most people still think that 1% – 3% keyword density is ideal, yet it is actually too much. There is an optimum keyword density that has little to do with the keyword itself, but more to do with contextual relevance of the page content to the topic in hand. Which leads to the sixth of the SEO tips: write naturally and honestly. If you know about your subject, write about it in your own language and don’t try to meet any perceived need for Pinterest a specific number of so-called keywords within your page content.

The title tag is, of the three, the most important for the major search engines. Don’t make this too long – normally no more than 6 words. But have your most important keywords here. Some SEO specialists advise that even the order of the text here is significant. They suggest that if you place your company name in the title, that it should be placed last so the other keywords are being considered with greater weight.

SEO news When it comes to SEO, content is always the basis of success. This is why you should always write a great and well-written article which has good content. Make sure that your article will greatly tackle the keywords or keywords phrases that you have chosen.

You can do SEO in a number of ways. I have highlighted few SEO tips that can help you get loads of web traffic for your website. Reading these tips will help you avoid the most common mistakes that most of the others marketers have made.

Off-Page SEO happens outside of the website. It is the method of distributing valuable and relevant content about your products and services onto the internet in the form of blog posts, videos, articles, forums, podcasts etc. that all point back to your website to help raise its rank in the search engines as well as drive traffic.