If you want to succeed online, then don’t settle for less. Choose the right SEO strategy. Be consistent in creating value for your visitors and customers, and in sharing that value with diverse online communities. Be consistent in improving the quality of your products/ services. Be consistent in improving usability of website. Be consistent in monitoring results of your efforts periodically.

Build your webpage now using the SEO tips that I described above. Incorporate the right title using your keywords, meta tags, alt tags, header sizes and keyword density. Whew! Now that this is finally done, the real work begins! Off page optimization. This is the most important.

This means traditional SEO optimization will not matter as much. Ranking will eventually be dead. Things like traffic, analytics, bounce rates, and so on will count more. The more unique traffic your website have the better you will do. Spammy traffic from paid bulk traffic site will not be as well regarded as it has been in the past.

Relax! Don’t get tunnel vision about the content of your content! Your followers want to know more than what’s going on in your office. Keep an eye on the world news, current affairs, trending topics, new films, music, and new products. This list is literally endless and it’s a sea of interesting stuff your followers will want to read about. Think outside of the box with some interesting posts by being a leader not a blatant, blind follower.

SEO news As a guideline for Pinterest choosing keywords, try to focus on more specific keywords in your niche. Choose keywords with less competition. This will tremendously help your website get found in search results. For example, say you’re selling shoes. “Shoes” is a general keyword that you’d have a really hard time popping up in search results for. Choose relevant keywords with less competition such as running shoes for men, women’s tennis shoes, dress shoes for prom night, sandals for the beach, kitchen clogs, children’s hiking boots, 2 inch pumps, petite high heels, etc. One thing you must be aware of is using name brands like Nike or Reebok. You could use them for organic search results, but for paid ad campaigns such as Google AdWords certain name brands are not allowed.

Off page optimization: – The major activity which is performed in the off page optimization is getting back links for the site. Back links are that factor/power which makes a spot for your site in the high SERP. Why not you have quality content and a great structure site but if you haven’t back link to it, it’s like you are going to kill your enemy whither you have a gun having no bulits and your enemy has a full filled gun of bullets.

You might be wondering, those things, are you working with your real businesses? I’m trying to figure out if it’s the same process you’re doing for your internet marketing and SEO strategies.

Add an HTML sitemap to your site. This is a single page that includes links to the main pages of your websites. If your site is small you may want to include every page while larger sites should just have links to the most important pages. Sitemaps are an import part of SEO optimization because they give the search engines a ‘hub’ where their spiders can find all of your pages through one single page.